Monday, November 14, 2011

A Long Time Coming...

I haven't been very active on here or anywhere else lately. I actually have a very good excuse for the lack of time and energy to participate in my online activities... I'm pregnant! With TWINS!! After 4 long years of trying and working with some nice doctors about my particular issues getting in the way of conceiving, hubby and I finally have our blessing... times 2! I am now just over 13 weeks, and while I haven't had much morning sickness or other symptoms getting in the way of my activities, I have been going to a lot of appointments and resting as much as possible. Naps in the afternoon are a wonderful new addition to my daily routine, though they tend to run a little longer than I would like at times! My awesome husband has been helping out a great deal by doing laundry and keeping the house tidy. Well, as tidy as it can be with 2 dogs and a cat running around! I'm a little uncomfortable in general, but other than that the pregnancy is going well. It's giving me a lot to think about, a lot to plan for the future. One of the things I've been thinking about is making some changes to my blog. Originally, it was supposed to be about crafting and the things that inspire me in my art. I think I'll be adding more baby related content to the mix since that has shifted to my main priority these days! Oh, and I think my husband is more excited about us having twins than I am since he's been sharing the news with EVERYONE as of this weekend! lol He's posted pics and everything for our friends and family to see as soon as I told him he could! Since my family is all in NY, we waited a little while before telling them and decided to keep it secret from everyone else as well so no one would accidentally spill the beans. Seeing some of the reactions we got was definitely worth the wait! lol