Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye, 2011... Hello, 2012!

As the new year begins, I'm halfway through the pregnancy with so much to do! We are waiting anxiously to find out what the babies' genders are so we can get to work on their room. Of course, this also means a lot of other things having to get done before we can really accomplish much there! Everything is still going fine and I'm looking forward to the Spring!

Meanwhile, I've been thinking a lot about what I'm doing with my blog and other sites. They definitely need a revamp, and with babies on the way there won't be as much time as I'd like to put into some of these activities. I still plan on doing something with it all, it will just be more sporadic. I have way too many projects in the works, and some that I've actually started working on! I think one of my goals for this year is to get some of these things finished and posted on here! I'm not worrying too much about resolutions, but this is definitely the one I'd go with right now! lol Maybe it will actually happen? Stay tuned to find out!