Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Best Laid Plans...

This month has not turned out quite as I had hoped. My muse seems to still be in PEI and I just haven't had much motivation for much of anything. I haven't been feeling that great, not much like myself, so I haven't been focusing on my arts and crafting as I had planned. But, that being said, there has been a lot going on. I've been giving some thought to the revamping of Xafyre Studios and have big plans for that at a later date. I've also been helping the hubby with his resurrection of a motorcycle (Yamaha Virago) and it has come a long way! He's worked so hard on it and it looks so much better than when he first brought it home! Granted, the majority of work has been mechanical, but my part was helping him work out colours and to copy his design from one side of the bike to the other. Now that was a challenge, but one I did succeed at! I'm also trying to reacquaint myself with the French language, re-organize the house, reacquaint myself with the spiritual, and conceive my first child. The last one is definitely a journey and one that has been a little more complicated than some would imagine. I got new glasses and have had some trouble adjusting to them since they don't seem to be fitted properly. I've been back to have them readjusted, and while better, they still need some tweaking. So I'm not sure if the headaches I've been getting are from the glasses or from the medications involved in the baby-making venture, but they have definitely been one of the main reasons I haven't been as creative and crafty as I would like to be. I'm hoping things change soon. Meanwhile, I'm going through old projects and will be posting pics of those, as well as the few new projects I've been working on sporadically. I have faith things will get better from here!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And so I've Returned...

The hubby and I went on vacation to PEI with his family. It was 2 weeks of camping and touring, which meant a lot of driving and not enough sleep! But, all in all it wasn't too bad. The trip definitely had its moments! I did go a little crazy with the picture taking though.... 4,000 pictures kind of crazy! lol So now I'm spending a lot of time going through the photos and deleting ones that didn't turn out so great (expected when you're snapping shots through dirty windows in a moving vehicle!), taking some artistic liberties with scenery shots, and doing minor touch ups on the ones that were pretty good. I've been changing my desktop background to pictures of the beaches and mountainous landscapes we saw along the way... oh, how I miss it already! So, in a few years we will be going back! I think the next trip will involve me doing my editing on the road though!

Here are a couple shots I was playing around with. I did a few minor touch ups and then adjusted the colour settings for a muted look.