Friday, June 3, 2011

Around the Square

Finally a project completed and ready to post about! Hooray! I was working on a blanket for one of my cousins. His girlfriend gave birth last month and I wasn't quite finished with the project! I have way too many things going at once and need to start prioritizing things so they actually get completed on time!

Since they were expecting a boy, I used sport weight yarn in a variegated green/blue colour, light blue, and medium blue. I started off with 4 granny squares sewn together, then rounds of double crochet and single crochet mesh in varying widths. It was really a simple pattern, just time consuming when you have work, trips, and a multitude of other things going on at the same time! My grandmother said this was the best one I've done yet. I don't know if I would agree with her, but I do really like how this one turned out! I'm looking forward to hearing what she thinks of the one I'm making for another cousin! Maybe I'll post some in-progress pics of that one? I'm doing the same kind of thing but with a different pattern combination and girly colours for a much more delicate look and feel. Looks good so far!

I thought I would get a little more creative with my pictures so I set this one up with a stuffed lamb my mother-in-law gave me in a gift basket. I was playing around with the raw format in Photoshop and learning a few new tricks in the process. The only thing I haven't figured out is how to get the greens to show up better in the pictures without screwing up the blues! You can sort of see the greens a little better in the close up shot, but they still don't pop like they do in the actual yarn! I may have a little more playing around to do before I can get the images to come out exactly as I would like. But then again, I could just be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to this sort of thing! lol

I'm going to be working on a lot of my ongoing projects over the next month, hoping to get more things accomplished despite a lack of time! Seriously, when all is said and done, I may need a vacation after the vacation! lol

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