Monday, May 16, 2011

Here's to New Beginnings!

I wanted to create a little hub where I can share my various interests and the results of different experiments and projects within them. I am constantly adding to my list of hobbies so there will probably be a little something for everyone here. I welcome constructive criticism, suggestions, advice, and any positive feedback. All you "Negative Nellies" need not reply because this is not a place to spread hate, prejudice, or to just be plain rude and obnoxious! With that said, on to my first creative post!

I was inspired by a post about a "One Pen, One Paper" challenge on another blog. (Sorry, I can't remember which one I was reading at the time or there would be a link here!) Now, there were rules to this challenge like there are to any challenge, but I was more interested in the concept of the art. I haven't really let things flow in my projects and thought this would be a great way to experience that and see what happens. So I grabbed a ballpoint pen and a piece of copy paper and sat down to get started. After a few minutes of just staring at the page, I doodled a little squiggly line. And then I broadened it, adding a few more squiggly lines. After 4 days of scribbling, doodling, filling in spots and taking a step back to see what was developing, I finally called it finished! There are aspects of this piece that I'm not entirely happy with, but when you work with ink, it takes on a life of its own and you can't necessarily control the output! We'll call this Free Flow #1 because I plan on doing more of these in the future!

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