Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Physically, things have gotten better. Mentally.... well, I still haven't found my long, lost mind! Awhile ago I mentioned wanting to clean and organize my house. I've decided to take that a little further and actually start simplifying my life. I started with my closet, emptying hangers and tossing a huge pile of clothing into a pile for donation to our local Salvation Army. Anything that isn't in good condition made it to another pile to be turned into something completely different and fantastic once all is said and done. It's a project I've seen on several sites and have been wanting to do for awhile, so we'll see when I actually get around to that one! I had started to go through things piled up in our basement some time ago and realized most of the stuff collecting dust are things given to us. Not so much as gifts, but just random "I saw this and it reminded me of you so I bought it and now its yours!" kind of junk. That's all going, too. Anything that we don't use that often (with the exception of my baking and craft supplies) is getting donated. I think it will be much easier to organize things when I actually have space to put them in! I can definitely see me being much more productive once we bring the house to a more organized, clean, clutter-free state. And who knows, maybe I'll find some peace and creativity again? I already feel a little more liberated knowing there is one big truck load of things that are leaving here and heading to a new home! 

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