Sunday, August 7, 2011

This looks promising!

Ok, maybe looks isn't quite the word I'm looking for when it concerns my back! lol I decided to suck it up and do some vigorous belly dancing moves and yoga postures to try and ease some of the discomfort I've been feeling in my back this week. Guess movement is the key, though walking too much still hurts! I've also decided to use my Pilates ball for a chair since its both comfortable and causes me to move more. I'm thinking maybe I should replace all my chairs with Pilates balls, except my dogs and cat would probably pop them because they try playing with them! Could you imagine walking into someone's home and being told to have a seat on a giant ball? lol It is so like my hubby and I to do something like that! But, I'm pretty sure our family and friends are glad we haven't gone that far yet! lol For those who don't know what the Pilates balls are, see below!

(Image from

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