Saturday, August 20, 2011

It sounded like a good idea at the time...

I enjoy food. Cooking, baking, trying new recipes to satisfy my taste buds and creating different variations on family favourites are always fun... even if they don't turn out as I would expect them to! Case in point, an avacado smoothie! We all know you use avacados for guacamole and can find them diced in a chicken salad or other tasty recipe. I like avacado and have enjoyed it in lots of different foods, so when I came across a recipe for an avacado smoothie in Chatelaine (June 2011) I decided to try it. I like avacado, it can't be that bad can it? This recipe calls for 1 peeled, pitted avacado combined with 2 cups of milk, 3 Tbsp granulated sugar, and 2 tsp lime juice. You puree these ingredients in your blender until smooth and creamy. It turns out to be a nice light green colour and could be presented very nicely. It made me think of the McDonald's Shamrock Shakes that come out every year in March. I had just finished pouring my smoothie into a glass when my husband came out to the kitchen to see what I was up to. When asked what I made, he took a sniff and immediately knew it was avacado. I told him to taste it, even before I knew what it tasted like. His response?

"It's green. My mama told me never drink anything green."

"But you drink the Shamrock Shakes. Those are green."

"Oh. Do I like Shamrock Shakes? Those are mint aren't they?"

"Yes, they are. Try this."

"Uhmm, no. That's ok."

Then he waited in anticipation of my tasting it. So I grabbed up the glass and took a nice sip, scrunching up my nose and smacking my lips. This, of course, had hubby laughing and making comments about me thinking that was a good idea. Yeah, it would have been good for someone who absolutely LOVES avacado! Needless to say, that was a waste. Of course, I only made half the recipe so I only wasted one glass instead of 2. Lesson learned. I will now be sticking to having my avacado in salads and dip! lol

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